Monday, May 3, 2010


Hi. It's me. The slacker. Cos that's me. Bad. Very bad. Need to change that. Need to change lots of things. But I've been emotionally down lately (more so than usual), and that's my excuse. Also travelling.

The food has not been great lately, but I will chalk a lot of that up to being away and in people's homes where I can't dictate what's going to be eaten. Not that anyone was forcing me to eat the tavern crisps at The Fredericksburg Pub along with drinking a pint of Magner's and Harp mixed into the heavenly delight that is the Snakebite. Or to drink a pint of Boddington's ale or a bottle of Smithwicks. Or, indeed, three (count them, three) bourbon slushes at the Kentucky Derby party. But those were fantastic. Worth every calorie and alcohol unit. Also the Derby pie, which had even more bourbon in. I've been told repeatedly I drink like a man. I'm okay with that. None of your fruity umbrella drinks, thankyouverymuch. Also, Ukrops birthday cake. I live in South Carolina, where we have no Ukrops to tempt us to sin. I was going to have a piece of cake, dammit! Also pick extra bits of frosting off the cardboard where it had been left...

Exercise. I like doing it. Really, I do. Most of the time. It's just not conducive to health to run on a bridge one thinks one might jump off. So I've avoided it. But I will get back to it, as I have decided to live in hope and not in despair. As Marilla told Anne, to be in the depths of despair is to have given up on God. And I can't do that. I have to believe. Else... what's the point?

So. I will be getting back to it. Honestly. Have to. Cos I'm tired of tired and hating what I see in the mirror. Especially since I live so near the beach and would like to spend time on it without fear of being pushed into the sea by environmentalists bent on returning me to my "natural habitat."

1 comment:

  1. I'm right there with you, sister! While I like the framework of the No-S I've been doing, I'm finding that not getting my raspberry mocha is causing me to cheat and I'm also making some good choices and some bad, based on the framework of the plan.

    So I'm thinking about tweaking it. Make it suit me, at my age and activity level. Breakfast isn't a problem, so that's 1/3 of the problem solved, huh?

    Enjoying your blog and emphasizing with you.
