Saturday, May 15, 2010


Had an absolutely lovely day out with Rhonda here in Charleston. Lunch, then a meeting of the Jane Austen Society, finishing with a yummy caramel light frap.

The dream job... I'm quite hopeful and optimistic and can say I've never prayed so hard for anything. Tonight I checked my e-mail and there was a request for an application to be mailed back. I did that, and am now eagerly awaiting good news. Cos God can do it. And if He doesn't... there's got to be something better.

Food for today...

.67 repeating of a very nice club sandwich but I just couldn't finish it and the

.65 serving of perfectly-seasoned chips

several glasses of water

1 cup of this lemony-limey water thing at the JAS meeting

1 caramel light frap

1 burger with provolone cheese and 3 slices of lettuce on

.25 cup of beans

a dozen potato chips but they were very small save 2

a bag of low-fat microwave popcorn

1 can of fresca (must have carbonation with popcorn while watching telly)

1 100 calorie ice cream sandwich

Had good chats re: weight and diet today, and have more to think about and act on.

Also, wonder if River Song kills a future (or past?) version of The Doctor cos in tonight's episode, it is revealed that she was in prison for killing a man. A good man. The best man she'd ever known. So... that's my prediction.

Also also in an interesting place in Jasper Fforde book, and think would like being a LiteraTec if in fact I could live in Fforde's mad world. Or maybe I should just marry a Welshman so I could have a fun name with double fs or ds. I'd settle for that.

I'll end now with a picture from the dream job location. It's very happy.

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