Thursday, May 20, 2010


Not my best day, but I have several reasons for this. Excuses, and sad ones, but at least I'm being honest.

The interview... I have no idea how it went. I gave the best answers I could, and I have to trust that that's enough and if I'm meant to have it, I'll have gotten it. I will admit to crying and shouting "You can't do this to me, please please please" when the internet connection died and I had to spend 20 minutes scrambling to re-establish contact and finish the interview. I apologis/zed and we carried on. So... I don't know. The interviewer said I'd be informed of "the statutes" of my application within two working days. I had to giggle at that. Of course, I'd love for it to be a positive outcome but I must prepare myself if it is not.

So that was part of the reason for the not-so-good habits today. While the interview was going on via IM, I had 20 mini pretzels and 2 large glasses of water.

The rest of the day:
1 WW frozen ziti dinner
2 (the last 2) Cadbury biscuits
2 peanut butter cookies
3 very small tacos but I put a lot of lettuce on them
1 cup of sweet tea (Gerald wanted to make a fresh pot so I took one for the team and finished what was left in the pitcher)
1 spoonful of brownie batter
1 small-ish bar that was odd mix of brownie and chocolate chip cookie

So yeah, it was not the best day. But I'm blaming stress and being a girl and sympathy eating. In good news, I'm down 2 pounds... Although after today, maybe not. OH, and I did go for a walk with Mum for 40 minutes last night. Forgot about that. We wanted to get out of the house and she felt awful for eating pan-fried pork chops. She's pleased with herself, though, cos today she didn't go over on her portions and finished the day with a balance of 125 calories and 3 grams of fat. I'm a bit jealous, though, since her pills sort of suppress her appetite. Maybe I'll nick some...

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