Thursday, May 13, 2010


Thursday. One of my favourite days of the week, actually. Not sure why, but it is.

Found some more jobs to apply for online: 2 in London and 1 in Oxford. Would be lovely, getting any of them.

Today's activity was baking mini brownies for Bridgette's school art show.

Food for the day:

1.5 pieces of leftover pork

2 trays of the 1 point wonder corn (1 at lunch, another at supper)

2 mini brownies, along with a few spoonfuls of leftover frosting (sue me, the stuff's delicious)

1 rather large Caesar salad (but with only 1 tbs of dressing)

1 pita with Smart Balance and garlic powder on that had been popped under the broiler

1 WW peanut butter cup ice cream

1 cuppa Earl Grey with the Truvia packet in (tried that? v.v. good)

1 handful mix of pretzels, mini Doritos, Cheetos, and cheese Sun Chips (curious as to taste of the mix, and I approve)

V.v. excited about lunch and the Jane Austen Society meeting on Saturday with Rhonda!

Watched the latest episode of Doctor Who tonight while the family was out. Sooo still not measuring up to the previous 3 seasons. Feels a bit shambolic, like the first season did. Oh well. And they've brought back River Song who I did not care for in the first place.

Can't end on a note like that. This is much nicer. He'll always be my Doctor.

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