Sunday, April 11, 2010

keeping record

I have a confession. I didn't do so well with the weight thing from Thanksgiving until... now. Gained back 10 pounds since then, and feel miserable about it. So this is me, telling whoever cares that it happened. It's not getting worse. No more. Begin again.

I don't have any money to go back to WW, so I'll be tracking what I eat on here. Also listing exercise. I definitely am the sort of person who needs accountability. Even if I have no readers, I know it's here in the void.

Won't list what I ate today, because I don't remember everything. But I did go for a long walk with some spurts of running. I do love the feel of asphalt beneath my feet and wind in my hair. So thanks to my handy dandy iPod + Nike thing, I know tennant (my gorgeous shiny green iPod, and yes, I know how sadly fangirl that sounds) and I went 3.6 miles and burned 447 calories in 1.01.42. My time's gonna get better.

See, I love the feeling of running, but now it's too hard to do it for too long. Like I wrote in a note on facebook, what got me started was thinking, "If a gorgeous man took my hand and told me to run, I'd want to." And now, I can't go very far or very fast... But someday I will. I know it will take a long time to get there, and like Bridget Jones (although not exactly as am not fictional character) "I will always be just a little bit fat," maybe I won't mind so much then.

So every day I'll put on my running shoes, pop in the earbuds, and run as long and as hard and as fast as I can, because in the end, it's the journey that matters. "You and me, time and space. You watch us run." Come with me.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I literally could go with you! Oh to have a schedule where running in the mornings was feasible...I need a schedule makeover! Am proud of you, though...maybe you can help me lose some, too!?

    Miss you
