Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I am so not motivated. Gah. Needs to change.

1 hot dog
a handful of Dorito crumbs
1 hot dog
13 crinkly chips
1/2 cup baked beans
4 chocolate chip cookies
1 chunky KitKat bar from the British section of the ethnic foods aisle at Harris Teeter
1 cuppa (Earl Grey)

I'm sick. Really. I physically hurt from eating crap.

Zilch. Nil. Nada. None. I did laugh a lot though, and my stomach hurt from that...

Monday, April 19, 2010


Blah sort of day.

2 slices of pizza
3 inside-out Oreos
1/2 a naan
3/4 cup pork in masala sauce
1 piece of birthday cake

I thought about doing some, but calves still hurt, so no. Naughty me.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Teh internets were fritzy at my house this weekend, so I missed some posting. Ooops.

First off, a very happy birthday to the lovely lovely David Tennant. I've had a merry time with you, but was pleased with your successor in the TARDIS.

Right, food. Between yesterday and today, I have had:

2 salads (one Caesar and one spring mix with this delightful homemade vinaigrette)

2 pieces of pizza (cheese, regular crust from Pizza Hut, leftover from Bridgette's party... We have 1.5 pizzas still in the fridge and this will be quite dangerous.)

1/2 a turkey sandwich on nine grain bread (on which I had lettuce, swiss cheese, and a smattering of mustard)
1/2 a cupcake
1 piece of cake
1 scoop of ice cream
2 Pimm's & lemonades
1 wrap with chicken, feta, cabbage, and ranch
1 Gatorade (90% of it, anyway)
1/2 of a naan
5 chunks of pork in a lovely tomato-based masala sauce
2 pancakes with sugar-free syrup

since I skipped on Friday, I punished/rewarded myself with a go at the bridge. I shaved 5 minutes off my best time, finishing in 1.37.03.
5.74 miles
716 calories
I didn't do anything today, either, since my calves were a bit sore. I ran more than ever on yesterday's attempt; roughly 25% of the time. I will admit to shouting in triumph when I finished the longest stretch. Probably looked a fool, roaring in the wind, but as I saw only 16 people on the journey, and no one could have heard me, I do not feel ashamed. I did it- me, with my dalek tee and shiny iPod.

Friday, April 16, 2010


Sooo not my best day. But that's okay.

1 glass V-8 Fusion Lite
1 pretzeldog
1 bag Sun Chips
1 bite apple crumble
2 slices bread and dipping oil
1 small Caesar salad
1 serving Mezzalunas (Bridgette's birthday dinner out)
1 bite Bridgette's birthday cake
1 cupcake (that was actually a muffin with frosting on)
1 sip coffee

yeeeah, no.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

4.15.10 (b)

Hi. Not the greatest of days, today, but is almost over so that makes it better.

Assisted Bridgette in the icing and sprinkling of cupcakes while teaching her about WWII (also including information about Marxism since she didn't know what that was). If you think about it, appeasing Hitler was a bit like "If you give a mouse a cookie..." Anyway, in case you can't tell, I'm a bit sugar-obsessed at the moment.

1 whole wheat wrap with the chicken, cole slaw mix (I don't want it to go off before I've eaten it), feta, and ranch
1 cup V-8 Fusion Lite (serving of fruit and veg each in a glass, can't argue with that)
1 key lime yogurt
1/4 cup egg noodles
5 beef tips and a bit of gravy
2 spoonfuls whipped buttercream frosting (at least I didn't have a whole cupcake)
1/4 cup apple crumble with small-ish scoop vanilla ice cream on

10 reps each of 5 different pilates bungee cord exercise thingies
3.71 miles
446 calories

4.15.10 (a)

I just watched The History Boys. Brilliant. Absolutely loved it. If you like British humour (and don't mind lots of references to sex and people saying 'fuck' a lot), check it out. A few memorable quotes... (and if you know me, there are few things I love as much as quotes)

Now. How do you define history Mr. Rudge?
Can I speak freely, Miss? Without being hit?
I will protect you.
How do I define history? It's just one fuckin' thing after another.

Durham was very good for history. It's where I had my first pizza. Other things too, of course, but it's the pizza that stands out.

You've got crap handwriting, sir!
It's your eyesight that's bad, and we know what that's caused by.
Sir! Is that a coded reference to the mythical dangers of self-abuse?
Possibly. It might also be a joke.

The best moments in reading are when you come across something - a thought, a feeling, a way of looking at things - that you'd thought special, particular to you. And here it is, set down by someone else, a person you've never met, maybe even someone long dead. And it's as if a hand has come out, and taken yours.

Lecher though one is - or aspires to be - it occurs to me that the lot of woman cannot be easy, who must suffer such inexpert male fumblings, virtually on a daily basis.

Can you, for a moment, imagine how depressing it is to teach five centuries of masculine ineptitude?

History is a commentary on the various and continuing incapabilities of men. What is history? History is women following behind with the bucket.

God doesn't do notes, either. Did Jesus Christ say, "Can I be excused the Crucifixion?" No! Actually, sir, I think he *did*...

I'm not happy but I'm not unhappy about it.

He comes highly-recommended.
So did Anne of Cleves.

And I'm done. Any elicitations of giggles?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Wednesday. Not traditionally a favourite day of the week for me, but this one was alright. Went out to the shops for some new workout pants- didn't find any, but got new flipflops (kelly green) and pajama shorts (green and pink plaid with a bit of white). Also more fancy socks. And one of those nifty exercise bungee cords with stirrups for feet and handles for hands. Lest you think I am Becky Bloomwood, let me assure you I am not. (Unfortunately.)

1 whole wheat wrap with cole slaw mix, shredded white meat chicken, a few crumbles of feta, and 1 tbs ranch dressing
1 banana
1 slice sourdough bread (it's almost gone, I swear)
1 fullbar (those things you eat 30 minutes before a meal and it fills up your tummy and makes you eat less... it tastes like packing peanuts held together with generic peanut butter. But it works.)
1 pork tenderloin slice
1 spoon pork bbq (we never have pork in the house so I take it where I can get it)
1 spoon green bean casserole
2 spoons corn
1 spoon corn pudding
1 spoon mac & cheese (being one of my favourite things ever, this was huge to only have 1 bite)
small salad with leafy greens, cucumber, and balsamic vinaigrette
1 single-serve tub of Skinny Cow ice cream (dulce de leche flavour and can I tell you... is not bad at all)

3.70 miles
444 calories burned

Today's happy moments (brought to you by the letter R and the number 8):
While shopping for workout pants, was overjoyed to discover that can fit arse into Old Navy XL pajama shorts. (Mum said one didn't look bad in shorts and wondered anew why one never wears them.) Also, in T.J. Maxx was looking for workout pants and found none but in search discovered that Calvin Klein makes dresses for fat girls too. Had no idea. For curiosity's sake, I took two that I liked (emerald green with cap sleeves, princess waistline, cheerfully full skirt and black and white with 60s-inspired collar, sleeveless, body-hugging) to try on. The green was a bit roomy in the middle, and the black and white one fit perfectly. Not that I needed a CK dress, but the point was, I could fit into an 18 CK dress. (But feel that CK clothes shouldn't go that big because frankly you look big as a house in a designer dress no matter what, and CK should stick to what he does best- dressing the stick insects of the world.) So I put the dresses away, as I should (having no money with which to purchase either, also nowhere to wear posh frocks at present). And then I thought, I'd much rather be able to buy it in a size 12, anyway.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Decent day. Did a few more applications.

1 cup of Fiber One caramel delight cereal and a sprinkling of 2% milk (no room in fridge for skim so I 'compromise' and drink what I don't like anyway)
1 cup V-8 Fusion Lite (blueberry pomegranate)
1 wrap- whole wheat tortilla with shredded chicken, cabbage and carrot, pinch of feta, tossed in 1 tbs of regular ranch
1 banana
Salad- field greens (bought at the farmers market) tossed with sliced almonds, cranberries, more feta, and balsamic vinaigrette
1/4 cup potato soup
1 slice sourdough bread (admittedly not the wisest choice but it would be a waste to let half a loaf go off...)
1 slice frozen key lime pie (last one)

10 minute introductory workout on the Jillian Michaels wii game (58 calories burned)
55.03 walk/run- 3.14 miles, 383 calories

Monday, April 12, 2010


So... Not the best start. Mum begged to go out for lunch before grocery shopping, and I, being the dutiful daughter that I am, thought it best not to argue with her.

Today's food intake (and yes, I know it's not the best but it is less than I've been eating lately):
small diet Dr. Pepper
6 chips from Mum's value meal
1 grilled chicken sandwich on whole wheat bun with 2 large pieces of green leafy lettuce
2 glasses of ice water (10 oz. each)
1 key lime pie yogurt (Fiber One, and I like it cos it's in the smaller tub that I can handle)
side salad with lettuce, carrot, and a smidgen of ranch
1/2 cup pasta (couldn't convince Mum to get whole wheat cos no one else in the house would eat it)
2 tablespoons pasta sauce with 4 mini meatballs in (does Prego sauce taste very sweet to anyone else?)
2 pinches of mixed Italian cheeses sprinkled on top
1 slice bread with a dab of butter (I wasn't there for bread prep or I would have put Smart Balance on instead)
3 glasses ice water (10 oz. each)
1 glass lemonade (no Pimm's in it this time, sadness)
1 piece key lime pie (made from the WW recipe so not exactly bad for me)

46 minutes walking with bursts of running thrown in when the music lent itself to it
2.62 miles
326 calories

Tunes (not listing them all, but some favourites):
My Friend John- The Fratellis (I am reeeeeally loving them)
She Moves in Her Own Way- The Kooks
Song for Ten- Neil Hannon sings it but Murray Gold wrote it
If There's a Rocket Tie Me To It- Snow Patrol (still currently favourite band)
Our Love- Rhett Miller
The Kilburn High Road- Flogging Molly
Forgive Me- Leona Lewis
Hit Me with Your Rhythm Stick- Ian Dury & The Blockheads
Theme to St. Trinian's- Girls Aloud (the badass in me loves this song so hard)
Supermassive Black Hole- Muse
Old Before I Die- Robbie Williams
Viva La Vida- Coldplay
Magnificent- U2
Crack the Shutters- Snow Patrol
Not Fair- Lily Allen (I would love to sing this at a karaoke bar...)

And that's the day.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

keeping record

I have a confession. I didn't do so well with the weight thing from Thanksgiving until... now. Gained back 10 pounds since then, and feel miserable about it. So this is me, telling whoever cares that it happened. It's not getting worse. No more. Begin again.

I don't have any money to go back to WW, so I'll be tracking what I eat on here. Also listing exercise. I definitely am the sort of person who needs accountability. Even if I have no readers, I know it's here in the void.

Won't list what I ate today, because I don't remember everything. But I did go for a long walk with some spurts of running. I do love the feel of asphalt beneath my feet and wind in my hair. So thanks to my handy dandy iPod + Nike thing, I know tennant (my gorgeous shiny green iPod, and yes, I know how sadly fangirl that sounds) and I went 3.6 miles and burned 447 calories in 1.01.42. My time's gonna get better.

See, I love the feeling of running, but now it's too hard to do it for too long. Like I wrote in a note on facebook, what got me started was thinking, "If a gorgeous man took my hand and told me to run, I'd want to." And now, I can't go very far or very fast... But someday I will. I know it will take a long time to get there, and like Bridget Jones (although not exactly as am not fictional character) "I will always be just a little bit fat," maybe I won't mind so much then.

So every day I'll put on my running shoes, pop in the earbuds, and run as long and as hard and as fast as I can, because in the end, it's the journey that matters. "You and me, time and space. You watch us run." Come with me.